Virtual SQL Server Endpoint

Virtual SQL Server Endpoint

The CData Connect Cloud Virtual SQL Server allows you to establish a connection to your data from client tools that support connections to SQL servers. The Virtual SQL Server mimics the behavior of a traditional SQL server, and it supports a range of query options.


Applications connect to the Virtual SQL Server through SQL Server Authentication using a Username and Password. When configuring the connection, set the properties as follows:

  • The database server is
  • The port is 14333. If you are connecting from application that does not have a separate port field, append the port to the end of the database server with either a colon or comma ( or,14333).
  • Some applications require you to specify a database. For these applications, the database name is the name of the Connection you want to access.
  • For the Username, enter your CData Connect Cloud username. This is displayed in the top-right corner of the CData Connect Cloud interface. For example,
  • For the Password, enter a Personal Access Token (PAT) that you generate on the Settings page.

Connecting from Client Applications

Virtual SQL Server supports connections from the following client tools:

After connecting to a client tool, see Query Syntax for examples of supported query syntax.