Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

This page provides answers to common questions about features and technical parameters of CData Connect Cloud.

What is the rate limit for issuing requests to connections?

The CData Connect Cloud rate limit is 100 requests per user per minute. This limit is shared across all data sources, so if a user issues 70 requests in a minute to one connection, that user can only issue 30 more requests to another connection in the same minute. Note that requests with excessively long response times might time out. If your request times out, please refine the query to reduce the time it takes to execute.

What static IP addresses does CData Connect Cloud use?

CData Connect Cloud uses a range of static IP addresses to communicate with external data sources. To ensure that you can access your data, you must whitelist these static IP addresses in your data sources. The table below lists these IP addresses.

IP Addresses (CIDR) IP Addresses (Range) -

How do I change the email address on my account?

To change the primary contact for your CData Connect Cloud account, click your username in the upper right corner and choose Settings. Select the Account tab and change the Primary Contact Information details.

To change the email address for your own account, click Users in the left menu. Click Invite Users to open the user invitation dialog. Send an invitation to your new email and follow the steps to accept the invitation. Once your new account is active, return to the Users page and delete your original account. For more information, review invite users.

Why is my data not available in my client tool?

First, check that you can access your data from your connection using Data Explorer. If you cannot, there may be an issue with the connection to your data source. Check your connection details and ensure that you have set the permissions for the connection correctly.

If you can access your data in Data Explorer, there may be an issue with the configuration of your client tool. Check your client tool configuration according to the instructions in the documentation.

If your data is still not accessible, please contact CData Technical Support.

Are there currently any known service outages?

The CData Connect Cloud Status page shows the current status and incident history for the application services.

How do I contact CData Technical Support?

The CData Technical Support contact form allows you to send a message to our Technical Support team. You also access this form by clicking the Support link at the bottom of the dashboard.