

CData Connect Cloud virtual datasets allow you to connect OData-compatible client tools to your data without installing any extra software or drivers. You must configure virtual datasets to access data from client tools with the OData protocol.

Configure Tables

To configure tables, refer to the Virtual Datasets documentation.


Applications connect to the OData API through Basic Authentication (username and password). When configuring a connection, set the connection properties as follows:

  • Set the URL as the OData Service URL with a workspace name (https://cloud.cdata.com/api/odata/{workspace_name}).
  • For the Username, enter your CData Connect Cloud username. This is displayed in the top-right corner of the CData Connect Cloud interface. For example, test@cdata.com.
  • For the Password, enter a Personal Access Token (PAT) that you generate on the Settings page.

Connecting from Client Applications

The pages below provide instructions on connecting to the OData API from within popular client applications:

The sections below outline how to connect from cURL and Postman.


The cURL command line tool provides one of the simplest ways to retrieve OData tables. In your request, pass your username and PAT as Basic Auth credentials in the following format:

curl -u 'test@cdata.com:QpnquoIujrBNunK' https://cloud.cdata.com/api/odata/{workspace_name}/

With this request, cURL returns the OData response directly to the standard output.


Postman is a testing utility tool that can easily connect to the CData Connect Cloud OData API. To use Postman, set the following settings:

  1. Set the HTTP operation to GET

  2. Set the request URL to https://cloud.cdata.com/api/odata/{workspace_name}. If desired, you can specify a resource name.

  3. In the Authorization tab, set the Auth type to Basic Auth

  4. Set the Username and password to the username and authentication token from the Users tab.

  5. Click Send to submit your request to Connect

Postman will display the OData results in the response section.