

The following table provides a set of standard terms that are used in the CData Connect Cloud documentation. Note that these definitions are applicable only within the context of CData Connect Cloud.

Term Definition
Asset An identifiable piece of data that an organization owns. Data assets are useful to query and extract insights from.
Audit log Records all non-query activity on your CData Connect Cloud account (for example, creating users and editing permissions).
Client Tool An application or tool that connects to CData Connect Cloud and accepts inputs from connections for processing, analysis, manipulation, and more. Examples of client tools include Google Sheets and Microsoft Power BI.
Connection A configured instance of a data source that is connected to a CData Connect Cloud account.
Dashboard The command center for all CData Connect Cloud functions. The dashboard enables an administrator to connect and configure connections and users, download client connectors, read audit logs and query logs, access documentation, and view account information.
Data source An application, API, or database to which CData Connect Cloud connects. A data source provides data to any supported client tools. Examples of data sources include Salesforce and Amazon Athena.
Query log Records all queries that connected client tools make to CData Connect Cloud. Detailed query logs are kept for seven days and then are deleted automatically.
Virtual dataset Inside of a workspace, a virtual dataset is a data table or view from a connected data source or a derived view created from one or many data sources inside CData Connect Cloud.
Workspace The highest level of organization for the virtual datasets feature. A workspace can contain virtual datasets and a single level of folders for organization. Inbound connections from other tools specify which workspace to connect to.