CData Connect Cloud supports the OpenAPI specification version 2.0 and 3.0, allowing you to connect no-code/low-code applications that integrate with OpenAPI easily. CData Connect Cloud allows you to download an OpenAPI document from a workspace.

Generate an OpenAPI file for a Workspace

You can generate an OpenAPI specification file for a selected workspace. This file can be used in client applications to integrate with CData Connect Cloud via OpenAPI.

To download an OpenAPI specification file:

  1. In the dashboard, select Virtual Datasets.

  2. Select the workspace in which to generate an OpenAPI specification file. This file can be used in client applications to integrate with CData Connect Cloud via OpenAPI.

  3. In the Configure pane on the right side, click View Endpoints.

    An Endpoints dialog appears.

  4. Select the OpenAPI tab.

  5. Select version 3.0 or 2.0 of OpenAPI.

  6. Toggle Convert array types to strings on if the client application does not support array types (such as Microsoft Power Apps).

  7. Click Download to download the OpenAPI specification file for the workspace. This is the file that is imported into the client application. You can also copy and paste the OpenAPI URL.

  8. Click Close.

API Operations

For each entity EntityName that is exposed in a data set, OpenAPI makes the following operations available. The inputs for each operation are described in the sections below.

  • ListEntityName

  • GetEntityName

  • CreateEntityName

  • DeleteEntityName

  • UpdateEntityName

  • GetCountEntityName


The List operation invokes a GET request for all entities in the data set. The following are the inputs available for List:

  • $top=N includes only the first N records in the result. For example, $top=10 returns only the top ten records in the entity.

  • $skip=N skips the first N records from the result. For example, $skip=10 skips the first ten records in the entity, and begins with the eleventh record.

  • $filter applies OData operators, such as gt (greater than) or eq (equals) to the entities in the data set. See $filter for a complete list of operators.

  • $orderby sorts the records in the entity by a property or properties. Separate the properties by a comma. You can sort by asc (ascending) or desc (descending). The default value is asc. For example, order the data set by Model (ascending) and then by Color (descending) as follows: $orderby=Model asc, Color desc.

  • $select retrieves a subset of properties. For example, return the properties Id and Model for all records in the data set as follows: $select=Id, Model.


The Get operation invokes a GET request for an entity in the data set. The following are the inputs available for Get:

  • Id (or other primary key) is the unique identifier for the requested entity in the data set.


The Create operation invokes a POST request to add an entity to the data set. The following are the inputs for Create:

  • body is the body of the POST request, containing the properties of the entity.


The Delete operation invokes a DELETE request to delete an entity. The following are the inputs for Delete:

  • Id (or other primary key) is the unique identifier for the requested entity to delete.


The Update operation invokes a PATCH request to update an entity. The following are the inputs for Update:

  • Id (or other primary key) is the unique identifier for the requested entity to update.

  • body is the body of the request, containing the properties of the entity to update.


The GetCount operation invokes a GET request to get the number of the resource. The following are the inputs for GetCount:

  • $filter applies OData operators, such as gt (greater than) or eq (equals) to the entities in the data set. See $filter for a complete list of operators.