Query Options

Query Options

All requests to the OData connection managed by CData Connect Cloud virtual datasets begin with the OData service URL with a workspace name (https://cloud.cdata.com/api/odata/{workspace_name}). You can filter your requests by appending query options to the end of the service URL. The available query options are outlined below.

Single Table

To target a specific table with your request, add the table name (or Alias, if one has been set) to the end of the service URL. For example, the request below targets only the Cars table in the CompanyResources workspace:


Individual Record

To target a single record within a table, add the table name to the end of the service URL. Then, add the primary key for the record in parentheses and single quotation marks. The example below targets the record with a primary key value of 1000 in the Cars table:


Some entities have multiple primary keys, which are indexed as shown in the following example:

https://cloud.cdata.com/api/odata/CompanyResources/Cars(Id='1000', Date='2016-07-01')


You can use the $filter parameter to retrieve multiple entities based on a set of logic operators. The OData API supports the following operators. These must be provided in lowercase format as show below.

Operator Meaning
eq Equal
ne Not Equal
gt Greater than
ge Greater than or Equal
lt Less than
le Less than or Equal
not Negation

For example, a filter to retrieve all records from the Cars table where Make matches Honda would look like the following:

https://cloud.cdata.com/api/odata/CompanyResources/Cars?$filter=Make eq 'Honda'

You can also use the boolean operators and and or to combine multiple filters, as shown here:

https://cloud.cdata.com/api/odata/CompanyResources/Cars?$filter=Make eq 'Honda' and Date lt '2016-07-01'

The functions startswith(), endswith(), toupper(), tolower(), and contains() can be used with the $filter query option. For example, the following request returns records for which the Make property contains the substring Honda:



To retrieve a subset of properties, add $select to the end of the service URL, as shown in the following example:


This returns the properties Id and Model for all records in the Cars table.

You can also retrieve an individual property value for a single record. This example returns the value of Model for the record with primary key 1000:



You can use $orderby to sort records, as shown in the following example:

https://cloud.cdata.com/api/odata/CompanyResources/Cars?$orderby=Model asc, Color desc

This returns the records sorted by Model (ascending) and then by Color (descending).


Using the $count URL parameter, you can retrieve the number of records in an entity or the number of records matching a particular filter. The following example returns the number of records in Cars where Make is equal to Honda:

https://cloud.cdata.com/api/odata/CompanyResources/Cars?$count=true&$filter=Make eq 'Honda'

The response is a raw count of records matching the filter in the request.

$top and $skip

You can use the $top=N parameter to include only the first N records in the result. For example, the following request returns only the top ten records in Cars:


You can use the $skip=N parameter to exclude the first N records from the result. In the following example, $skip=10 skips the first ten records and begins with the eleventh:


You can combine $top and $skip to implement client-side paging. $skip is always applied before $top, regardless of their order in the query. The following queries retrieve the first ten records on one page and the next ten records on another page:


You can also set the parameter $count to true to return the total number of records in the results. For example, consider the following query:

GET https://cloud.cdata.com/api/odata/CompanyResources/Cars?$top=3&$skip=4&$count=true

This query returns a response like the following:

  "@odata.context": "https://cloud.cdata.com/api/odata/CompanyResources/$metadata#Cars",
  "@odata.count": 402,
    "value": [
    { "Id": "4", "Color": "Color_4", "Model": "Model_4"},
    { "Id": "5", "Color": "Color_5", "Model": "Model_5"},
    { "Id": "6", "Color": "Color_6", "Model": "Model_6"}

The total count that matches the filter is returned in the response as @odata.count along with the single page of results.