Filemaker Pro

Filemaker Pro

This page outlines the steps to connect Filemaker Pro to CData Connect Cloud.

Connect from Mac

  1. Download and install the Actual ODBC Driver for SQL Server.

  2. Configure a DSN using the Actual ODBC driver by setting the following:

    • URL:
    • Port: Change the port from 1433 to 14333
    • Username: your Connect Cloud email
    • Password: the PAT you created earlier

The Filemaker Pro SQL Query Builder requires customization to connect to CData Connect Cloud. Auto-generated queries do not work in Filemaker. We recommend the following additional steps:

  1. In the SQL Query Builder SELECT tab, select the columns to include as part of the query.

  2. Open the WHERE tab of the SQL Query Builder and select Show only selected columns.

  3. In Table.Column, select a table and a column name.

  4. Set the Operator to =.

  5. Select Column, and then select the same table and column name as Table.Column.

  6. Click Insert into SQL Query.

  7. If no other modifications to the SQL query are required, click Execute.

Connect from Windows

Connecting to Connect Cloud directly from Filemaker Pro on Windows is not yet supported. Reach out to for alternative solutions.